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511(1): (ワッチョイ 366c-OsBH) 2015/11/25(水)15:39 ID:A51U9Jl+0(1) AAS
What is here?
about plz.
512: (JP 0H19-F+kJ) 2015/11/25(水)16:26 ID:IeAU+Ur/H(1) AAS
Your mom is here
513: (ワッチョイ ed30-4/4W) 2015/11/25(水)17:16 ID:aqZEMtwl0(1) AAS
514: (ワッチョイ a99b-q2bm) [age] 2015/11/26(木)19:59 ID:f4k51tD70(1) AAS
Code Monkey-san.
Please disable SOKO in KENMOU.
Answer please.
515: (ワッチョイW bea6-k5KW) 2015/11/26(木)23:27 ID:O0/rmK5K0(1) AAS
516: (ワッチョイ beb7-6aip) 2015/11/26(木)23:53 ID:P5S2RV1L0(1) AAS
I made a second banner in 2ch板:sugiuraayano
Please made 2ch板:sugiuraayano
517(1): (ワッチョイ 5caa-VeSj) 2015/11/27(金)00:05 ID:5xQ/RC/T0(1) AAS
518(6): Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)13:49 ID:CAP_USER(6/77) AAS
Any suggestion?
519: Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)13:50 ID:CAP_USER(7/77) AAS
Should be okay now.
520(1): Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)13:51 ID:CAP_USER(8/77) AAS
I know how to configure settings, but I dont usually change settings.
Please ask Carpenter-san if you want to change settings.
521: (ワッチョイ d03d-VeSj) 2015/11/27(金)14:01 ID:OT4dUU850(1/2) AAS
Hi Code Monkey-san.
Are there any plans to create a new bulletin board?
522: (ワッチョイ 94cb-eDoY) 2015/11/27(金)14:05 ID:YOqm/1tZ0(1/9) AAS
Please to create the board "radiosaloon"(ラジオサロン).
Now, it is not deployed the new information in the RADIO program!
As the board "tvsaloon".
523(1): (pc?) (ワッチョイ fbaa-VeSj) 2015/11/27(金)14:07 ID:6tsNu6Vh0(1/2) AAS
Hi, CodeMonkey-san.
Please listen to my wish.
We have discussed the idol category.
We want two BOARDs to idol category.
Please create a new BBS.
[BBS name] Indie idol (indieidol)
Idol that are active in the indie.
Idol that are active in the underground.
Idol that are active in regional cities.
524: (ワッチョイW 725d-fr2B) 2015/11/27(金)14:10 ID:NTlKxBAd0(1/2) AAS
525(3): Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)14:13 ID:CAP_USER(9/77) AAS
I talked with Carpenter-san, and he said he will discuss indieidol and netidol boards this weekend.
526: 523◆iO.0ORpZps (ワッチョイ fbaa-VeSj) 2015/11/27(金)14:16 ID:6tsNu6Vh0(2/2) AAS
Thank you.
I am waiting for the new board fun.
527: (ワッチョイW 725d-fr2B) 2015/11/27(金)14:17 ID:NTlKxBAd0(2/2) AAS
Oh! Thank you!
528: Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)14:21 ID:CAP_USER(10/77) AAS
Sorry; that sugiura board cant go on orpheus.
After you guys decide about settings for /radiosaloon/ and /sugiuraayano/, please tell me.
529(1): (ワッチョイ 94cb-eDoY) 2015/11/27(金)14:23 ID:YOqm/1tZ0(2/9) AAS
It's that you've temporary address?
Many listeners would rejoice. Thank you very much.
530(1): Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)14:24 ID:CAP_USER(11/77) AAS
This is the permanent address:
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