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520(1): Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)13:51 ID:CAP_USER(8/77) AAS
I know how to configure settings, but I dont usually change settings.
Please ask Carpenter-san if you want to change settings.
521: (ワッチョイ d03d-VeSj) 2015/11/27(金)14:01 ID:OT4dUU850(1/2) AAS
Hi Code Monkey-san.
Are there any plans to create a new bulletin board?
522: (ワッチョイ 94cb-eDoY) 2015/11/27(金)14:05 ID:YOqm/1tZ0(1/9) AAS
Please to create the board "radiosaloon"(ラジオサロン).
Now, it is not deployed the new information in the RADIO program!
As the board "tvsaloon".
523(1): (pc?) (ワッチョイ fbaa-VeSj) 2015/11/27(金)14:07 ID:6tsNu6Vh0(1/2) AAS
Hi, CodeMonkey-san.
Please listen to my wish.
We have discussed the idol category.
We want two BOARDs to idol category.
Please create a new BBS.
[BBS name] Indie idol (indieidol)
Idol that are active in the indie.
Idol that are active in the underground.
Idol that are active in regional cities.
524: (ワッチョイW 725d-fr2B) 2015/11/27(金)14:10 ID:NTlKxBAd0(1/2) AAS
525(3): Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)14:13 ID:CAP_USER(9/77) AAS
I talked with Carpenter-san, and he said he will discuss indieidol and netidol boards this weekend.
526: 523◆iO.0ORpZps (ワッチョイ fbaa-VeSj) 2015/11/27(金)14:16 ID:6tsNu6Vh0(2/2) AAS
Thank you.
I am waiting for the new board fun.
527: (ワッチョイW 725d-fr2B) 2015/11/27(金)14:17 ID:NTlKxBAd0(2/2) AAS
Oh! Thank you!
528: Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)14:21 ID:CAP_USER(10/77) AAS
Sorry; that sugiura board cant go on orpheus.
After you guys decide about settings for /radiosaloon/ and /sugiuraayano/, please tell me.
529(1): (ワッチョイ 94cb-eDoY) 2015/11/27(金)14:23 ID:YOqm/1tZ0(2/9) AAS
It's that you've temporary address?
Many listeners would rejoice. Thank you very much.
530(1): Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)14:24 ID:CAP_USER(11/77) AAS
This is the permanent address:
531: (ワッチョイ b0aa-nj3p) 2015/11/27(金)14:24 ID:n4TE8y630(1/2) AAS
Please make a NINTENDO board & SEGA board.
It is a very popular company in Japan. Fan is often.
532(1): Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)14:29 ID:CAP_USER(12/77) AAS
I think we already have the /ghard/ board.
533(1): 2015/11/27(金)14:32 ID:7DcKQdsW(1) AAS
Hi Code Monkey-san.
please make new board "dragonquest online" board! :D
Dragonquest and Final fantasy is japanese rpg series,
Final fantasy online game are using ogame board.
but Dragonquest online game is not having only board.
Dragonquest online game(DQ10) is great popularity.
I thank you for reading it through.
534: (ワッチョイ 94cb-eDoY) 2015/11/27(金)14:33 ID:YOqm/1tZ0(3/9) AAS
O.K. I confirmed. Thank you, thank you.
Belonging directory is "テレビ等".
Between lines "時代劇" and "ラジオ番組".
535: (ワッチョイ b0aa-nj3p) 2015/11/27(金)14:38 ID:n4TE8y630(2/2) AAS
I am ghardBBS user.
ghardBBS population is too large.
Capacity of the thread is overflowed.
Thread die in a short period of time. Board is the inconvenient state.
New BBS are required.
Discussion thread
536(1): (スプー Sda8-EPlE) 2015/11/27(金)14:44 ID:jHaKlKhkd(1) AAS
Please make a new board "やよい板"
537: Code Monkey ★ (★ **cc-J8Zy) 2015/11/27(金)14:44 ID:CAP_USER(13/77) AAS
What is yayoi?
538(1): (ワッチョイW d048-XOp2) 2015/11/27(金)14:50 ID:ft+P2iVA0(1/2) AAS
I saw a broken Oekaki.
Please repair it!
539(1): (ワッチョイ 94cb-eDoY) 2015/11/27(金)14:57 ID:YOqm/1tZ0(4/9) AAS
Prease fix 外部リンク[TXT]:potato.2ch.net
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