[過去ログ] (強いAI)技術的特異点/シンギュラリティ154 (1002レス)
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303: 2019/03/19(火)07:56 ID:1wIWwuHP(1/3) AAS
“I always tell the story of what happened in nuclear physics,” Russell said in his interview.
“The consensus view as expressed by Ernest Rutherford on September 11th, 1933,
was that it would never be possible to extract atomic energy from atoms. So, his prediction was ‘never,’
but what turned out to be the case was that the next morning Leo Szilard read Rutherford’s speech,
became annoyed by it, and invented a nuclear chain reaction mediated by neutrons!
Rutherford’s prediction was ‘never’ and the truth was about 16 hours later. In a similar way,
it feels quite futile for me to make a quantitative prediction about
when these breakthroughs in AGI will arrive.”
312: 2019/03/19(火)12:08 ID:1wIWwuHP(2/3) AAS
316: 2019/03/19(火)15:05 ID:1wIWwuHP(3/3) AAS
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