[過去ログ] 技術的特異点/シンギュラリティ261 (1002レス)

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998: 警備員[Lv.34][SR武][SR防] 2024/10/03(木)21:16 ID:CLPN3cYy(47/49) AAS
>AIが代替する仕事は「5%」であることをどうやって計算したのか? その記事はほぼ何も載せてないが、それでも興味深い情報はあるな


>An additional issue is that I have so far interpreted AI exposure to include both automa tion and task comple
mentarities. In this subsection, I ignore the task complementarities and presume that all of the AI exposure q
uantified so far will take the form of automation.
>The methodology in Acemoglu and Restrepo (2022) starts from the d lnΓauto vector, which is at the demographic
s group level. To construct an equivalent of this measure, I take the set of exposed occupations, and then use
the wage bill shares of different demographic groups in these occupations to map the AI-generated displacemen
t to the demographic group level. For example, if for demographic group g, 5% of the wage bill share in 2019-2
022 is in occupations that are fully exposed, then d ln Γgauto will be 0.05. I also assign these occupations t
o industries using wage bill shares in order to compute industry-level impacts
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