[過去ログ] 【渋滞解消】Cities in Motion【都市交通】 (1001レス)
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368: 2011/03/03(木)08:57 ID:X1Urs8Wt(1/2) AAS
369: 2011/03/03(木)09:04 ID:X1Urs8Wt(2/2) AAS
New patch on the way
Hi everyone,
I wanted to let you know that we have been working hard on a new patch for Cities in Motion. The dev team wants to thank you again for the feedback and the support that you have given us!
So more about things we have been working on:
- Traffic jams
This has been the most addressed issue in Cities in Motion. In the new patch the amount of private cars depends on the difficulty, making the easy level less likely to have so many traffic jams.
The jammed cars also disappear more quickly. And in the sandbox you can even customize the amount of the private cars to your liking.
- Economy
We realized that the fluctuating economy is a bit too sudden, so we slowed the fluctuation down a bit.
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