[過去ログ] 【R2TW】Total War: Rome II そのXVII【トータルウォー】 [転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)

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733: 2015/11/03(火)22:22 ID:N4po4mA0(1) AAS
GOBUGOBU [recommendation Nara, nonesuch in the
★ dreamland site and a long-established store! Buying gourmet]
The broadcast contents which are 23:53-24:59 on November 3, 2015 on Tuesday

Masakou Hamada and the program which shoots location
scenes at the viewpoint where Atsushi Tamura
"is fifty-fifty" (I think it's better to change
this concept. About existence as a license,
from the production side, some, please get a solution.)

The program contents

Because I was from Nara tonight, a
EE gate is introduced to HON MA of
Nara who knows! Recommendation..., (Nara,-it'll get rough* tonight....)
(1) it's rarely seen! The Nara dreamland site
(2) it's hot at a noted store of foundation for more than 110 years, buy eater!
(3) happy hunting ground date spot! Nara's pyramid!
What do Hama and Atsushi bite into?
The one chosen first is the site of "Nara dreamland".
What on earth happens to a mark of the dream closed
in 2006? I sneak into the dreamland sit
e which became special this time in location OK!
I'll also deliver more pictures from the sky using drawn.
Next I buy junk food at a long-established store of
foundation for more than 110 years, gourmet. Hama's "It's good!" I received!
And lead to SHI which is bran! The unapproved character o
f Nara appears! "Everything and that?" A
tsushi flinches, too. What kind of unapproved c
haracter is it on earth?
(The one by which even Tsuu or reorgani
zation doesn't disappear and changes a
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