[過去ログ] 【R2TW】Total War: Rome II そのXVII【トータルウォー】 [転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)
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797: 2015/11/07(土)18:01 ID:E2Y98iho(1) AAS
> Super robot great war OG2, D, R
> Super Mario 1, 2 of brothers
> Final Fantasy 4, 6
> Contribution day: Thursday, November 5, 2015 54 minute 83 per 05 seconds at 07 o'clock [morning] ID:LreyYasM
> That STG of an FC is also made of Ake condition with this.
> If 2 does FC Gladi Usu by Ake condition of PS3.
> Delay is terrible and isn't done directly.
> GURA 3 of SFC was the delay which isn't also so.

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