[過去ログ] 【PC】Cyberpunk 2077 Part1 (1002レス)
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841: (ワッチョイ dfdc-uQfi) 2019/06/11(火)16:28 ID:iQYwyyqe0(1/6) AAS
846: (ワッチョイ dfdc-uQfi) 2019/06/11(火)19:02 ID:iQYwyyqe0(2/6) AAS

Finally, after months of preparation, we can share with you two big things we have been hard at work on ? CP2077's cinematic story trailer and a brand new gameplay demo! Yes, yes, we know ? for now,
the demo is only available to the lucky ones who managed to get tickets to E3 and the rest of you will have to wait until gamescom or the public dev Q&A unveiling stream at PAX in August.
Yeah, we can already feel the bashing you're gonna give us online :(. "Why are you not treating us fair", "why is the gameplay not being released right away?".
The reason is we want to make the most out of the months of work we put into the demo and first showcase gameplay live at E3 and gamescom.
Releasing gameplay right away would make the gamescom presentations pointless and would significantly limit our chance to build hype.
Why do we need to build hype? To get more gamers interested in CP2077 and, hopefully, convince them to give it a go.
We are putting our hearts and souls into making CP2077 a great game and we would like as many gamers as possible to find out about it and experience its amazing story.
Also, hype can turn into sales (after all, we are not a charity), and good sales allow us to grow, take creative risks and deliver new, great games for you to enjoy.
847: (ワッチョイ dfdc-uQfi) 2019/06/11(火)19:03 ID:iQYwyyqe0(3/6) AAS
And let’s not forget about one more super important announcement ? the release date. Less than a year from now, on April 16th, 2020, you’ll finally be able to sink your teeth into Cyberpunk 2077.

As you probably noticed, we prepared 2 editions of the game. Why only two? Because when we pre-order ourselves, we don’t like to go to Wikipedia to compare content.
We have a simple deal: there’s the standard edition, the one we think most gamers will choose, and a limited Collector’s Edition.
While we're pretty proud of the CE, we'd like to turn your attention to that first one. Why?
Because we have really maxed out the physical capacity of the box with goodies. We think this raises the bar for "standard" and we hope you'll think so, too.
Also, since pre-orders are live, you might be wondering if there’s any point in placing an order now. Yes, if you want to give us some extra support.
Pre-orders help us build anticipation ? the more copies you pre-order, the more likely it is for us to get retail (both digital and physical) behind the game.
Therefore, if you like what you see, we will appreciate you "voting yes" for CP2077 with a pre-order.
If you are still hesitating though, we would rather you wait for more materials or reviews. Our goal is for you to truly enjoy CP2077 and not regret a pre-order.

Take care and looking forward to seeing you in Night City!
848: (ワッチョイ dfdc-uQfi) 2019/06/11(火)19:04 ID:iQYwyyqe0(4/6) AAS
最後に、数ヶ月の準備の後、私たちが取り組んできた2つの大きなことを共有できます - CP2077の映画の物語の予告編と真新しいゲームプレイのデモ!はい、はい、私たちは知っています -
今のところ、デモはE3へのチケットを手に入れた幸運な人たちだけが利用でき、残りの人たちは8月にPAXでgamescomまたはpublic dev Q&Aを発表するまで待つ必要があります。
849: (ワッチョイ dfdc-uQfi) 2019/06/11(火)19:04 ID:iQYwyyqe0(5/6) AAS
そしてもう1つの非常に重要な発表、リリース日を忘れないでください。 2020年4月16日の今から1年足らずで、ついにCyber??punk 2077に歯を沈めることができます。

先行予約は私達が予想を築くのを助けます - あなたが先行予約するコピーが多ければ多いほど、私たちがゲームの背後で小売り(デジタルと物理の両方)を得る可能性が高くなります。

850: (ワッチョイ dfdc-uQfi) 2019/06/11(火)19:18 ID:iQYwyyqe0(6/6) AAS
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