[過去ログ] Cities: Skylines 114タイル目 (847レス)
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760: (オイコラミネオ MMad-lHjV) 2023/10/08(日)12:22 ID:FjQf7EmUM(1) AAS
重い処理の代表 パスファインディング
In Cities: Skylines pathfinding was proximity-based
agents would calculate their destinations or order services by straight line distance
In Cities: Skylines II
The core of pathfinding calculations is the four aspects: Time, Comfort, Money, and Behavior.
In addition to calculating their path, all vehicles and pedestrians take into account all nearby agents at all times as they navigate the streets and pathways (e.g., vehicles use more lanes, making turns, a traffic accident).
However, the calculations are more efficient, resulting in higher performance across the board as the pathfinding and simulation
among other calculations take advantage of all the available processing power of the multicore CPUs.
Also, as a major improvement to the first game in the series,
Cities: Skylines II doesn’t feature hard limits for agents moving about in the city.
The only real limits to the simulation are the hardware limitations on the platform running the game.
Q:Is there an upper limit on the amount of cores that will be used (say 6 out of 8 on an octacore) or will it just use all available up to the maximum (e.g. 12 out of 12 rather then say 6 out of 12)?
A: The game will use the resources available to it, if it needs them of course. So if you have 12 cores and a city large enough to benefit from using all of them, it is able to do so.
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