セガサターン総合スレッド Part126 [転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)
セガサターン総合スレッド Part126 [転載禁止]©2ch.net http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/
78: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2016/05/21(土) 10:23:17.98 ID:E40QDA3c その頃へきるちゃんが人気やったんやよ 今のアイドル声優より人気やったかしれんね うまくいけばこの人が紅白いちばん乗りしてたかもなんよ http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/78
79: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2016/05/21(土) 12:11:05.80 ID:nUsC1Ty1 >>77 え、アニメとそんなに違うの? 姉が当時このアニメ好きで買って貰ったっぽいんだけどゲーム下手だったからほぼ俺がプレイしてハマったから原作自体はしっかり見たことないんだよね 後半は風ちゃん最強キャラだったなぁ 海ちゃん使えねぇ http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/79
80: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2016/05/21(土) 12:15:07.55 ID:IRoCVq3/ Something which says so and is always expensive, you treated,". "The junior can be made me now, too, and it's being told in the area which can be made juniors, too. Tell much to me, and thank you very much really. There is a word of Mr. Hamada who can't take the mean in me and forget it. It was the fact that I thought I never said on a television actually, but I received such chance this time, so, let me talk, please." Mr. Hamada. I think Mr. Hamada doesn't remember, when I have just left for the capital, it's the case when having the 3rd time of meal bring me there." "I still said that I have just met Mr. Hamada and was afraid of Mr. Hamada and thought it was scolded, so when I was turning the dish small and was changing an ashtray as there was no impoliteness, I had say "because it can be done by itself, it's in EE. Rice eating", and still was tense and afraid as expected, so, that the care is continued, "It's good in HONMA.", it was scolded lightly." "When I thought still I had to do something, and said "I drove Mr. Hamada's car and me and returned." at a return parking lot, it was called Mr. Hamada approached my face and was called "You came Tokyo what to do do, and, oh?", and that I didn't know the meaning of the question and returned it with "Oh?" by the wonderful look and it was called "So I came Tokyo what to do do, and, oh?" by the more sell, I had come.", you said "it's done so. To be a driver, KITA N, is it done? The side, take it. RUWA sent to the house" and sent to the house." "The word I had Mr. Hamada say at that time and time you sent are my treasure. And, "Because I'd like to sell, I have come." such as, you can believe the word and exert yourself even now. License Takashi Imoto" http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/80
81: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2016/05/21(土) 13:37:25.92 ID:PJTqQyPW レイアースの原作は1部だけで終わってれば あの作者にしては、珍しくまとまり良い作品だったのにな http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/81
82: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2016/05/21(土) 13:59:17.80 ID:PcVkLoRX > Something which says so and is always expensive, you treated,". > > "The junior can be made me now, too, and it's being told in the area which can be made juniors, too. Tell much to > me, and thank you very much really. There is a word of Mr. Hamada who can't take the mean in me and > forget it. It was the fact that I thought I never said on a television > actually, but I received such chance this time, so, let me talk, please." > > Mr. Hamada. I think Mr. Hamada doesn't remember, when I have just left for the capital, it's the case when having the 3rd time of meal bring me there." > > "I still said that I have just met Mr. Hamada and was afraid of Mr. Hamada and thought it was scolded, so when I was > turning the dish small and was changing an ashtray as there was no impoliteness, I had say "because it can be done by itself, it's in EE. > Rice eating", and still was tense and afraid as expected, so, that the care is continued, "It's good in HONMA.", it was scolded lightly." > > "When I thought still I had to do something, and said "I drove Mr. Hamada's car and > me and returned." at a return parking lot, it was called Mr. Hamada approached my face and was called "You came Tokyo > what to do do, and, oh?", and that I didn't know the meaning of the question and returned it with "Oh?" by the > > wonderful look and it was called "So I came Tokyo what to do do, and, oh?" by the more > > sell, I had come.", you said "it's done so. To be a driver, KITA N, is it done? The side, take it. RUWA sent to the house" and sent to the house." > "The word I had Mr. Hamada say at that time and > > time you sent are my treasure. And, "Because I'd like to sell, I have come." such as, you can believe the > > word and exert yourself even now. License Takashi Imoto" Yes.I do http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/82
83: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2016/05/21(土) 14:00:48.90 ID:3pfF+HDl 日本の敵、ソニーの下僕のチョニー工作員イランジン・嫉妬君 ━━━━━━━━━━ここが変だよイランジン・嫉妬君 ━━━━━━━━━━ ・日本企業はソニーこそが全て。ソニー(と自分)の悪口「だけ」は許さない。 ・私は愛国者といっておきながら、ソニー(と自分)しか擁護しない。 ・ソニー以外の企業に対しては悪口を言う。 ・主に美少女アニメ系のAAを貼る。ホモAA、チョンAAも使う。 ・自分の意見を言いっ放しで去る。他人の意見は聞かず、自分の非を認めない。 ・理論だった細かい議論は出来ない。追いつめられると下品な言葉で相手を罵る。 ・自分の考えに従わない奴は全て「在日朝鮮人」だと思い込んでいる。 ・在日朝鮮人を叩けばソニーの悪口を言われなくなると思い込んでいる。 ・自分でスレを立てては1乙のAA貼って自分で自分を応援する。 ・「アンチです」などと言って意味不明な書込みで都合の悪いレスを流そうとする。 ・AA荒らしを自分でしているくせに、他人に対しては「荒らしやめろ」という。 ・平日休日、朝夕問わず書き込んでいるのに自身がニートである事を否定する。 ・他者に対してはニートやホモアンチを連呼する。 ・自分が気に入らないことや都合の悪いことは全て他人に転嫁する。 ホモに詳しい嫉妬くん=へへへ=イランジン=ソニーピットクルー工作員=黒岩雅彦君【身元判明】 http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/83
84: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2016/05/21(土) 14:19:07.24 ID:4pGnvtas トライラッシュデッピ〜 http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/84
85: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2016/09/08(木) 17:47:50.82 ID:1ddVUuqN むこうのスレは埋め立て荒らしで容量オーバーか http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/85
86: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2017/02/07(火) 02:09:46.77 ID:oG06LVt0 ポカリンとは? ・機種関係無し安売り情報スレに2008年頃から住み着いているアイドルヲタ ・ほぼ毎日同じ時間帯に現れレスをしている (お昼〜午後11時) ・オットセイと他の住人全てに嫌われている禿げ ・恋愛経験皆無のパチンコに依存している童貞 ・安売りスレが機能しなくなった元凶 ・年齢は40代中盤 11/03(火) http://hissi.org/read.php/famicom/20151103/N1JCdFluYi8.html 11/04(水) http://hissi.org/read.php/famicom/20151104/NzRWOUJoWm0.html 11/05(木) http://hissi.org/read.php/famicom/20151105/VGRhWHlJQmE.html 11/06(金) http://hissi.org/read.php/famicom/20151106/M2grdmp3eFA.html 安売りスレ http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/famicom/1447262464/ http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/86
87: せがた七四郎 [] 2018/01/28(日) 12:57:10.39 ID:JL+JyiwV 32ビットなみにすごい副業ガイダンス グーグルで検索⇒『羽山のサユレイザ』 R4JJW http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/87
88: 荒川真也 [] 2018/02/01(木) 22:39:37.17 ID:NZmeb7tH インサイドにミニサターン予想乗っていました http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/88
89: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2018/02/14(水) 20:55:34.65 ID:gFVIzr0s サターンの話したいけど3つくらいスレ全部荒らされててひどいな http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/89
90: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2018/02/17(土) 23:37:28.21 ID:/azqzNxa >>89 基地はどこにでもいるからなぁ・・・ 久しぶりにステラアサルトでもやるかな http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/90
91: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2018/02/18(日) 00:13:38.82 ID:Ii8ZEmNf 俺はサンダーフォースVとガングリフォンでも遊ぶか http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/91
92: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2018/02/19(月) 17:56:42.25 ID:WehLdcEh ガングリのオープニングは当時は感動したわ ゲームパートは殆んどやらなかったけど http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/92
93: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2018/03/06(火) 10:52:52.84 ID:JzwKTGhe サターン系作品が先に携帯型で出ていたら・・・あっ、なんかあったか、あったんだね。。。 ホント、セガ系って先見の明が有り過ぎて、他が付いて来なくて、企画倒れ。。。 ・・・4人対戦の大戦略とか、業務用レースゲームの家庭用機に移植(アウトラン)とか・・・ 北米で売れるのに、国内駄目とか。BGMはいいのに本作が不評とか、勿体無い。。。 http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/93
94: せがた七四郎 [] 2018/03/31(土) 20:32:32.63 ID:QnplVgkR サターンとPS、両機種で発売されるソフト 時が経ってほとんど何故かサターン版が高値に・・ http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/94
95: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2018/03/31(土) 23:36:01.59 ID:TPiiWCFG サターン版の方が基本後発だから追加要素が充実とかもあるけど 中古の値段は殆どの場合、流通量が総てだそうな http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/95
96: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2018/04/07(土) 01:21:21.38 ID:yb64pgfi PS3/PS4のスティックをサターンで使いたいのだが何か変換器ってあります? http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/96
97: せがた七四郎 [sage] 2018/04/10(火) 13:27:06.02 ID:6Y7XSvNq サターンのタイムギャルとかアホみたいに高いな http://medaka.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/game90/1446008065/97
あと 905 レスあります