[過去ログ] CAPCOM VS. SNK3を期待するスレ 2【カプエス3】 (1001レス)

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(2): 2014/01/16(木)16:01 ID:mEs+JOut0(1) AAS
917:俺より強い名無しに会いにいく :2014/01/16(木) 13:18:20.26 ID:ojlDnmgV0
Poll: What game do you want to see next from Capcom? Street Fighter 5, Alpha 4, Darkstalkers 4 or another title?
Which fighting game would you like to see from Capcom next?

1. Capcom vs. SNK 3: 132 votes / 35.0%
2. Darkstalkers 4: 60 votes / 15.9%
3. Street Fighter Alpha 4: 51 votes / 13.5%
4. Street Fighter 5: 47 votes / 12.5%
5. Rival Schools 3: 35 votes / 9.3%
6. Marvel vs. Capcom 4: 27 votes / 7.2%
7. Something else (Explain in the comments below): 25 votes / 6.6%
あと 581 レスあります
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