I wanna be famous indie dev in japan. (2レス)

1: 2019/02/25(Mon)09:22 AAS
Hello, my dream is to be a famous indie developer making games like ZUN sama and Mr. pixel and making all kind of waifu games.

I'm learning everything to do by myself, like art, music and code.
My dream is to see japanese doujins about my games like touhou.

But How do I shill my games among japanese anime fans on the internet?

I'm learning japanese, but I can't post on the japanese boards here.
My only hope is to ask here and see if some japanese anon can help me with advice.

2: 2022/10/13(Thu)08:16 AAS
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル

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