ポケモンGO 座標+雑談 611投目 (993レス)
抽出解除 レス栞

(1): 2024/08/01(木)18:41 ID:QTT0G3aY(2/2) AAS
**BSOD - Blue Screen of Death**: *We have detected unusual activity from your account. As a result, temporary limitations have been placed on your play.*

**•** If this screen is displayed, it means the user exceeded 10.000 encounters in a 24h period or exceeded the limit of battles with team rocket, which so far, we can confirm is more than one battle in a 60 second interval, i.e 1400 grunts per day. Once the limit is hit, the user is placed in a minimum 24h forced "holidays". Please note that this limit can be changed on Niantic's discretion and that there has been occasions where the BSOD lasted 7 days.
432: 2024/08/08(木)20:10 ID:vlFGF836(4/10) AAS
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル

ぬこの手 ぬこTOP 1.073s*