[過去ログ] 【NPD】4月売上、PS4 32.6万、Switch 17.1万 (1002レス)

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(1): 2018/05/18(金)19:46 ID:Cl7E8QGy0(1/3) AAS
Hardware sales in the US was largely flat YoY in April, and software sales was down approximately 10%, but bear in mind that sales in April 2017 was boosted by the Switch.
The PS4 got off a significantly stronger start compared to other consoles thanks to Sony's God of War.
All eyes are now on the Switch's software lineup from 2Q.

The relative sales volumes of game hardware was:

PS4: 1.92
Switch: 1
XBox One: 0.79
3DS: 0.41


PS4: +58%
Switch: -39%
XBox One: +20%
3DS: -3%

On the software side (digital not included):

Top sellers were God of War, Far Cry 5, Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.
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