[過去ログ] 邪気眼のガイドライン 第肆拾捌章『段々剃刀』 (1001レス)
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165: 2010/03/20(土)02:42 ID:Pswr93mS0(3/4) AAS
788 名前:本当にあった怖い名無し[sage] 投稿日:2010/03/20(土) 01:47:42 ID:kU0/1eNN0
"I name you (entity's name), and from this day until (time of dissolution) you shall be known by this name."
"It is through my will that I now call you into being.
You are given life to perform [entity's task(s)] to the benefit of all that may be involved harming none along your way.
"With this symbol I am able to contact you with ease and at any time that I so desire,
but (entity's name) when this symbol is no more, so shall your life and purpose be no more,
for this is my will and so it is done. "
"Go in peace (entity's name) and begin your task(s), remembering to appear quickly to me when called upon.
If you have not completed your task by (time of dissolution), then disperse and cease to exist nonetheless.
Be on your way!"
あと 836 レスあります
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