[過去ログ] 【Y-DNA】新日本古代氏族とハプログループPart11 (1002レス)
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248(1): 2023/09/09(土)00:32 AAS
The Ainu are indeed cold adapted. Ainuid Australoid types were widespread over much of Asia from 9,000-2,000 years. Some of them helped populate Australia (the Murrayans). Proto-Ainuids (Jomons) are in Thailand 16,000 years ago. They left by boat, moved through the Philippines and settled there, and then went up to the Ryuku Islands to settle in Japan 14,000 YBP or so where they form the Jomon People. The homeland of the Jomons is in Thailand.
Before 8,000 YBP, most South Indians appear Australoid – they looked something like Aborigines. Vietnam was Australoid from at least 18-21,000 YBP. This type looks Melanesian. They slowly transition to Mongoloid over time, and the transition was only completed 2,000 YBP. In some SE Asian groups, the transition from Australoid -> Caucasoid was not complete, and here you can see the Indonesian or Malay type.
249: 2023/09/09(土)00:35 AAS
Many Chinese people, especially Chinese nationalists (but really all Chinese are Chinese nationalists) simply cannot accept that they used to be Australoids and that the Mongoloid race is a fairly new development. I guess “Daddy was an Abo,” is just a bit too much to handle!
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