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736: 2021/05/20(木)18:56 ID:lFNzN43d0(1/3) AAS
Truth Seeker for Comfort Women Issue
737: 2021/05/20(木)18:57 ID:lFNzN43d0(2/3) AAS
Jeannie Suk Gersenさんがリツイート

If you need proof that comfort women were nothing more than prostitutes, see this.
(Also about the US military comfort women)

An Open Letter Regarding the “Peace Statue” in Berlin Mitte District from Miroslav Marinov, Ph.D.
Those “recreation and amusement” centers expanded quickly in Tokyo, reaching the number of 33. “Not surprisingly,
738: 2021/05/20(木)18:57 ID:lFNzN43d0(3/3) AAS
Why Comfort Women Matter to the U.S.-Japan Values Summit
by Tessa Morris Suzuki Mindy Kotler
A recent academic article by Harvard Law Professor Mark Ramseyer has helped to fuel Japan’s development of a revisionist
narrative that depicts the Comfort Women as willing prostitutes. Astonishingly, this article presents all Japanese and Korean
Comfort Women as contractual workers under Japan’s prostitution system, in which (Ramseyer suggests) children as young
as ten-years-old knowingly and voluntarily negotiated prostitution contracts. Some Japanese ruling party politicians have
enthusiastically promoted this version of history, while the Japanese Education Minister has publicly suggested that Ramseyer’s
article is part of the process by which we “approach the truth” of history.
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