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(2): 2020/09/14(月)19:44 ID:??? AAS
5 番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (スッップ Sd0a-Z8oz) sage 2020/09/14(月) 18:59:58.56 ID:/HfIlyord

6 番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 9ded-XPpx) 2020/09/14(月) 19:00:02.77 ID:7Z0mpGKM0

8 番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイ a6c7-vvkI) 2020/09/14(月) 19:00:33.49 ID:o+L2XXZs0

10 番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 6605-k+mJ) sage 2020/09/14(月) 19:02:28.80 ID:g35HB7LV0
351: 2020/09/14(月)19:46 ID:??? AAS

Car accident

On April 19, 2019, while driving his Toyota Prius in the Ikebukuro district of Tokyo, Iizuka ran a red light and struck and killed a mother and daughter who were on a bicycle (Mana Matsunaga, 31, and her daughter Riko, 3),
and injured eight others at a pedestrian crossing, and his wife, who was riding with him.
The reported cause of the accident was Iizuka stepping on the accelerator when he meant to apply the brake.[7][8]
About a year before the incident, Iizuka received treatment on his right knee and was advised by his doctor to drive as little as possible.[9]

In spite of Iizuka having caused a fatal accident, he was not arrested. Police stated that this was because Iizuka was injured at the scene, was elderly, and hence not expected to run away or attempt to destroy evidence.[10]

However, in similar accidents caused by elderly drivers that have occurred in Japan following Iizuka's, all of the suspects have been arrested almost immediately, regardless of their age and state of health.
This has led to widespread scrutiny and criticism of the police in Japan in regard to how impartially they enforce the law.[11]
(1): 2020/09/14(月)19:47 ID:??? AAS
Finally, the Traffic Investigation Division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department referred Iizuka to prosecutors on November 12, 2019, on suspicion of causing fatal injury by negligent driving.
He claimed that there was a mechanical problem with the brake and/or accelerator, but vehicle function tests revealed no mechanical defects, so the Metropolitan Police Department concluded that negligent driving by Iizuka was the cause of the accident.[13]
On Feb. 2020, he was prosecuted.

Following the accident, Iizuka is reported to have explained that he was hurrying in his car to a French restaurant he had made a lunch reservation at, concerned that he and his wife would be late.[14]
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