美深町仁宇布って、どうよ2 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (72レス)
8: 2016/10/14(金)20:59 ID:7gb/vsh9(6/6) AAS
Japan Self-defense Ground Force and Japan Chauvinists
succeed to Militarism.
This is why Japan Chauvinists hate freedom of speech,
freedom of religion, private enterprise, Christianity
9: [age] 2016/10/16(日)16:35 ID:WBPr271d(1/8) AAS
City of Utsunomiya calls itself
10: [age] 2016/10/16(日)16:36 ID:WBPr271d(2/8) AAS
City of Utsunomiya calls itself Military Capital,
because center of the city is Shinto shrine of
military god.
Its sacred precincts are preserved for military
god named Toyokiirihiko.
11: [age] 2016/10/16(日)16:36 ID:WBPr271d(3/8) AAS
Despite enthusiastic prayer, half of Utsunomiya
burned down by aerial bombing on July 12, 1945.
Utsunomiyans went stark mad, but they never
abandoned their worship of military god Toyoki.
Fanatic Utsunomiyans never doubt their final victory
12: [age] 2016/10/16(日)16:37 ID:WBPr271d(4/8) AAS
Utsunomiyans are ostensibly willing to shake hands
with Americans, but on the other hand, Utsunomiyans
invited TWO military bases for Japan Self-defense
Ground Force, not for US army.
Utsunomiyans never gave up.
13: [age] 2016/10/16(日)16:40 ID:WBPr271d(5/8) AAS
Population of Utsunomiya is 510,000.
And every year 400,000 Utsunomiyans go to shrine of
military god Toyokiirihiko.
Even after World War ? when half of Utsunomiya
burned down by aerial bombing in July 1945, fanatic
14: [age] 2016/10/16(日)16:57 ID:WBPr271d(6/8) AAS
Do you know the history of suicide attack?
15: [age] 2016/10/16(日)16:59 ID:WBPr271d(7/8) AAS
……According to Taihei-Ki chronicle written in 14th century
……in Japan, the most famous suicide-attack-samurai, Kusunoki
……was deeply impressed with suicide attack by Utsunomiya
……Taihei-Ki chronicle says that Utsunomiya warriors threw
……away their life just like dust or trash.
……The most famous suicide-attack-samurai, Kusunoki imitated
16: [age] 2016/10/16(日)17:04 ID:WBPr271d(8/8) AAS
What's the difference between National socialism and Communism?
……Both of them hate freedom of speech, freedom of religion,
……private enterprise, Christianity and Judaism.
……Apparently, national socialism is a sect of communism.
……World War ? was obviously violent internal strife among
17: [age] 2016/10/17(月)16:02 ID:IauxkcHS(1/4) AAS
Japan Chauvinists (JAPS) worship national socialism.
JAPS believe National University of Tokyo is absolute
summit of intellectual hierarchy.
National University of Tokyo used to be called Imperial
University of Tokyo.
18: [age] 2016/10/17(月)16:04 ID:IauxkcHS(2/4) AAS
National University of Tokyo does not have faculty of theology.
That's because communists regard theology as superstition.
National University of Tokyo has a long history of class
struggle against industrial and financial capital.
A typical graduate of National University of Tokyo was Junnosuke
19: [age] 2016/10/17(月)16:04 ID:IauxkcHS(3/4) AAS
Inoue made every effort to tighten Japanese economy into
collapse during Great Depression era that started 1929.
Obviously, Junnosuke Inoue aimed at communist revolution in Japan.
You can see expensive portrait of Junnosuke Inoue on the
wall of main corridor of Bank of Japan.
20: [age] 2016/10/17(月)16:05 ID:IauxkcHS(4/4) AAS
During World War ?, communists defeated national socialists.
Since National University of Tokyo was a communist university,
it survived despite Japanese Empire was defeated by the allies.
And many of financial bureaucrats graduated from National University
of Tokyo try to overkill Japanese economy even now.
21: [age] 2016/10/19(水)18:44 ID:EQYq8XmN(1/4) AAS
Instead of making a sale of government property such as
national universities many of which are located in urban
expensive areas, Finance Ministry stick to tax raise.
22: [age] 2016/10/19(水)18:46 ID:EQYq8XmN(2/4) AAS
We call Japan Chauvinists "JAPS."
JAPS execute voluntary censorship and no media blame
Bank of Japan for fake "easy money policy" (2001 -
23: [age] 2016/10/19(水)18:48 ID:EQYq8XmN(3/4) AAS
In response to my article [2016-10-16 07:32 ID:cjFOEOgB],
choppers appeared in my neighborhood and made a big noise
just like thunder yesterday and today.
Choppers (Japan Self-Defense Ground Force) came from
Utsunomiya base.
24: [age] 2016/10/19(水)18:48 ID:EQYq8XmN(4/4) AAS
You incorporate the National Socialism-like Japanese Self-Defense
Forces into the United States Armed Forces and should carry out
consciousness reform.
25: [age] 2016/10/21(金)12:11 ID:GLartAPQ(1/5) AAS
We call Japan Chauvinists
26: [age] 2016/10/21(金)12:11 ID:GLartAPQ(2/5) AAS
We call Japan Chauvinists JAPS.
In response to my article [2016-10-19 07:55 ID:mKohcE8b],
JAPS started artificial earthquakes around Tokyo obviously:
2016-10-19Wed 23:40 in Southern Ibaraki, 2016-10-20Thu
11:50 in Northern Chiba, 2016-10-20Thu 20:12 in Northern
27: [age] 2016/10/21(金)12:11 ID:GLartAPQ(3/5) AAS
By artificial earthquake, JAPS insist that they don't want
Japan Self-Defense Force to be enrolled as a branch of US
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