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182: 2017/05/29(月)07:29 ID:6sE2gAw5(6/11) AAS
183: 2017/05/29(月)07:31 ID:6sE2gAw5(7/11) AAS
Fate of politics
President Washington says
184: 2017/05/29(月)07:52 ID:6sE2gAw5(8/11) AAS
Ochlocracy της Narenohate
Ουάσιγκτον Πρόεδρος λέει
185: 2017/05/29(月)07:52 ID:6sE2gAw5(9/11) AAS
Ochlocracy της Narenohate
Ουάσιγκτον Πρόεδρος λέει
186: 2017/05/29(月)07:53 ID:6sE2gAw5(10/11) AAS
Ochlocracy της Narenohate
Ουάσιγκτον Πρόεδρος λέει
187: 2017/05/29(月)08:27 ID:6sE2gAw5(11/11) AAS
Ego Guterres, sive non intellexerunt quod ex consensu ad Nationum Unitarum Legatos, quae est sicut constituit
Hypocrita mutavit mercedem societatis utriusque pestis incidere ligno seppuku secundis
188: 2017/05/30(火)07:42 ID:ShD50VWU(1/3) AAS
アメリカ、EU、ドル、ユーロ売国奴上級ハイウッチとは、医者、政治家、看護師 、最高裁判所長官、その他支配階級に多く穏れている、
上級公務員にも多く隠れて活動している 特徴は、拝金主義者であり、計算高い、みんなから、尊敬されていて
国税局に脱税者の名前と証拠を連絡 代表パナマ文書、new world order推進のためだとか言ってるが、やつらの正体は、これだ
189: 2017/05/30(火)07:43 ID:ShD50VWU(2/3) AAS
America, EU, dollar, euro The senior high watch is a doctor, a politician, a nurse, a Supreme Court general, other many ruling in the ruling class,
Characteristics that many senior civil servants are hiding behaviors are giftists, highly computed, respected by everyone
It is called a leader or a teacher, has children's terms, poor, abused experiences, the appearance is beautiful and perfect, but the inside,
Many useless people,
I will tell the National Taxation Bureau the name and evidence of tax evacuator and call the representative Panama document, new world order for promotion, but their identity is this
190: 2017/05/30(火)07:44 ID:ShD50VWU(3/3) AAS
America, EU, dollar, euro The senior high watch is a doctor, a politician, a nurse, a Supreme Court general, other many ruling in the ruling class,
Characteristics that many senior civil servants are hiding behaviors are giftists, highly computed, respected by everyone
It is called a leader or a teacher, has children's terms, poor, abused experiences, the appearance is beautiful and perfect, but the inside,
Many useless people,
I will tell the National Taxation Bureau the name and evidence of tax evacuator and call the representative Panama document, new world order for promotion, but their identity is this
191: 2017/05/31(水)03:44 ID:7Qi3GKdL(1/5) AAS
An American soldier who went to war charged! "The real enemy was in the US!" Bilderberg Conference, from the Davos conference
192: 2017/05/31(水)04:17 ID:7Qi3GKdL(2/5) AAS
193: 2017/05/31(水)07:27 ID:7Qi3GKdL(3/5) AAS
194: 2017/05/31(水)07:27 ID:7Qi3GKdL(4/5) AAS
195: 2017/05/31(水)07:27 ID:7Qi3GKdL(5/5) AAS
196: 2017/06/01(木)06:26 ID:ekTL+ht9(1/2) AAS
テロという悪役を作って戦争を起こす自作自演911 意識革命 歴代法王及び枢機卿 の子供に対する性的虐待
197: 2017/06/01(木)06:28 ID:ekTL+ht9(2/2) AAS
Clerics who received dismissal from the church in 2011 and 2012, due to sexual abuse to children reached 384
Creating a villain called Terror and making a war Self-made self-made 911 Consciousness Sexual abuse against the children of the Revolutionary Pope and the Cardinal
Child sexual abuse continues in any age
198: 2017/06/02(金)02:26 ID:kcTjQpcJ(1) AAS
秋下教授は「かかりつけ医の管理なしには問題は解決しない。高齢者側にも薬に依存する意識からの脱却が必要だ」と指摘した。薬を飲まないようにして病気を治す しぇるばーん
199: 2017/06/02(金)07:44 ID:vD+grphb(1/2) AAS
為装社会 アメリカドル売国奴上級ハイウッチです
ジェニーン・ジョーンズ(Genene Jones)受刑者(66)は1984年に生後15か月の女児に致死量の筋肉弛緩剤を投与して殺害した罪と、当時生後4週間の男児に命を落としかねない量の抗凝固薬を投与した罪で有罪になり禁錮99年の刑に服している。男児は命を取り留めていた。
200: 2017/06/02(金)07:48 ID:vD+grphb(2/2) AAS
Cost Accounting Society US Dollar The seller is an advanced high watch
【AFP = current affairs】 A nurse who killed infants more than 30 years ago in the state of Central Texas (Texas) and is serving in prison was charged with the crime of killing another infant.
201: 2017/06/03(土)03:34 ID:rANKpz/l(1) AAS
あと 388 レスあります
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