[過去ログ] 当直医のスレ Part24 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)

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837: innuendo ◆kCkk5BVA12 2017/10/11(水)12:17 ID:8dgUXTG5(20/32) AAS

3. To schedule or designate: Our professor has slated the art history lecture for Thursday afternoon; was slated to direct the studio's next film.

という用例があったので >814に使ってみよう。

It's my day off today, compensatory holiday.

I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that I am slated to go shopping and dining with a woman, lavish and luxurious.

As for now, I'd refrain from mentioning the bad news.
あと 165 レスあります
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