【ウハも】 開業医達の集い 19診 【粒も】
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1: In continuing to worship the Ming emperors as they did, the Qing were asserting the legitimacy of the entire system that dictated who could “rightfully” be an emperor of China, because in fact it was (4.92点)
1: this system that allowed them to present themselves to the populace as (4.92点)
1: “Sons of Heaven” rather than as conquering foreigners who had no legitimate claim over China. (4.92点)
4: ↑ (4.90点)
5: >>336にはげしく同意します (3.14点)
5: >>336にウリュウ事務員が反論できずスルーしている件 (3.14点)
7: 無職w (2.00点)
8: >>240 (1.98点)
9: やる気ないから楽したいから皮膚科を選ぶんだと思います。 (1.67点)
9: 出来が悪い馬鹿医師が殆どなのは事実だと思います。 (1.67点)
9: 同じ医師の中でも皮膚科医は楽でやる気がないって言ってる医師が多くいるのは事実です。 (1.67点)
12: >>428 (1.50点)
13: さすが医学界の反面教師ウリュウ! (1.14点)
13: まさに目から鱗だだよ (1.14点)
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