[過去ログ] 痴呆P胃(とおぼしき方)に質問です part31 (1002レス)
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279: 学術@死廃神酔天魔法狂廃遊舞鬼神龍騎禅軍呪妖幻術医師悪魔召喚居士 (ワッチョイ 911d-Nrkm) 2022/01/17(月)15:35 ID:lgwpes1D0(2/2) AAS
280(1): かつて改行医と称した精神科医 (ワッチョイ cdcf-fkY6) 2022/01/17(月)16:12 ID:gKkBp2Ws0(1) AAS
肝臓の場合HGP(Hepatic Growth Factor)というトランスメッセンジャーが腎臓ともう一つは特定されていないが、恐らく骨髄から
281(2): マスク手洗い三密回避P胃◆ZUown.bW7c (アウアウウー Sa05-o6XP) 2022/01/20(木)12:27 ID:F5lEWmEIa(1) AAS
Sorry for my late reply.
I'm happy to hear about your good course.
There are some reasons for keeping my motivation.
I'm satisfied with my colleagues, the discretionary powers given to me by the directors, and the results of my projects.
Though we have difficulty with the COVID-19 pandemic, I still take delight and satisfaction in my job because I get positive results from what I have planned and worked with my colleagues.
And more, I have no complaint about my wages.
So, I have no reason for changing my job.
My future goal is just simple. It's to keep contributions to the issues about the mental health of the people living in this area until retirement. It's my delight.
282(1): マスク手洗い三密回避P胃◆ZUown.bW7c (アウアウウー Sa05-o6XP) 2022/01/20(木)12:35 ID:Q6e8m5Vwa(1) AAS
283(1): (ワッチョイ d9c9-vdAx) 2022/01/20(木)22:40 ID:c/T3J8mV0(1/2) AAS
284(1): (ワッチョイ d9c9-vdAx) 2022/01/20(木)22:45 ID:c/T3J8mV0(2/2) AAS
285(1): (ワッチョイ 061f-9BXF) 2022/01/20(木)23:44 ID:qmmtaMKL0(1/2) AAS
286: (ワッチョイ 061f-9BXF) 2022/01/20(木)23:52 ID:qmmtaMKL0(2/2) AAS
277 名前:卵の名無しさん (ワッチョイ d9c9-vdAx)[] 投稿日:2022/01/17(月) 15:10:40.86 ID:bd1aUPr+0
287(1): かつて改行医と称した精神科医 (ワッチョイ cdcf-fkY6) 2022/01/21(金)00:44 ID:daoVGFDT0(1) AAS
Oh,Thanks your anser..In short, you are now some position(maybe a boss of psychiatric doctor cource in a totall hospital) and have some good staffs
(bad saying ,your subordinate≒your slaves lol),and you are so pleased your own salary.By the way , why do you enjoy with working with your subordinates?
and what is positive result? Good results mean that your patients are not dead byCOVID-19?or, yours staff are not dead by COVID-19? Anyway I think no relation of psychiatry.
Don't you have any quiestions of psychiatry already? I think no quiestion no growth
288(1): マスク手洗い三密回避P胃◆ZUown.bW7c (ワッチョイ 2585-o6XP) 2022/01/22(土)01:29 ID:/o66TUUA0(1/4) AAS
Well, I don't have any slaves. I'm the only psychiatrist in the hospital ever.
Positive results mean cultural legacies such as team approach, interprofessional work, or regional collaboration. I have coordinated more than three teams or boards that deal with various fields, not only the liaison team. Psychiatric skills make it easier to understand the group dynamics and manage it, you know.
These legacies are meaningful for every medical staff, not only for the persons in the psychiatric field. I believe they make the worth of the hospital pushed up in this area.
I learned many things from these works about the meaning of collaboration, the importance of relationships, and the viewpoint of sustainability. I hope to tell the young staff about my experiences in the next decade.
289: マスク手洗い三密回避P胃◆ZUown.bW7c (ワッチョイ 2585-o6XP) 2022/01/22(土)01:57 ID:/o66TUUA0(2/4) AAS
Although COVID-19 makes the collaboration of the people very difficult, my colleagues don't give up keeping their cooperation well, and I appreciate them.
I believe in the importance of the culture of collaboration in the hospital.
290: マスク手洗い三密回避P胃◆ZUown.bW7c (ワッチョイ 2585-o6XP) 2022/01/22(土)02:01 ID:/o66TUUA0(3/4) AAS
291(1): マスク手洗い三密回避P胃◆ZUown.bW7c (ワッチョイ 2585-o6XP) 2022/01/22(土)02:08 ID:/o66TUUA0(4/4) AAS
292: (ワッチョイ d9c9-vdAx) 2022/01/22(土)08:09 ID:htgVfGEz0(1) AAS
293(1): かつて改行医と称した精神科医 (ワッチョイ a7cf-prPq) 2022/01/23(日)01:59 ID:AX2yk94l0(1/2) AAS
"These legacies are meaningful for every medical staff, not only for the persons in the psychiatric field"
I have coordinated more than three teams or boards that deal with "various fields, not only the liaison team"
Would you teach me specifically? Whom influenced did your team approach&interprofessional work or regional collaboration?
U say your cordinate works don't only effect psychiatiric staffs, but various fields. Who is effected by your works?
Another cources of doctors? Or patients of your living aera? And results of your efforts has more wider acknowledged in your area?
The estimation of psychiatrists work is getting better?
294(1): マスク手洗い三密回避P胃◆ZUown.bW7c (ワッチョイ e785-Tsl1) 2022/01/23(日)03:10 ID:xJu6xGu+0(1/3) AAS
Sorry, I cannot tell you the details of my work anymore because I'm afraid someone might identify me.
Though you might devalue me because I could not show you the details, it's none of my business.
295(1): かつて改行医と称した精神科医 (ワッチョイ a7cf-prPq) 2022/01/23(日)03:51 ID:AX2yk94l0(2/2) AAS
Okay,can I change my quiestion to you? Do you think your hard work and effort contribute the medical world? you can sulry anser yes or no.
296: マスク手洗い三密回避P胃◆ZUown.bW7c (ワッチョイ e785-Tsl1) 2022/01/23(日)07:52 ID:xJu6xGu+0(2/3) AAS
Of course,YES.
297: マスク手洗い三密回避P胃◆ZUown.bW7c (ワッチョイ e785-Tsl1) 2022/01/23(日)08:04 ID:xJu6xGu+0(3/3) AAS
Because I'm sure that my answer isn't NO.
298: (ワッチョイ c7c9-drRZ) 2022/01/23(日)18:21 ID:XI2TtTYz0(1) AAS
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