[過去ログ] 痴呆P胃(とおぼしき方)に質問です part31 (1002レス)

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(2): かつて改行医と称した精神科医 (ワッチョイ cdcf-fkY6) 2022/01/15(土)19:31 ID:XXuZA6TQ0(1/2) AAS
Long time see. How are you doing recentry? I'm getting betterand better. Ive never taken a drunk since 5years.
My liver, alcoholic cirrhosis is still recovering everyday

By the way, you're still a working doctor,What target do you continue to do?Simply, saying, what are your target and motivation?
MayFuture goalsbe you will be a psychiatric docotor over 10-15 years,Would you tell me future goals(or outlook)?
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