[過去ログ] 痴呆P胃(とおぼしき方)に質問です part31 (1002レス)
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281(2): マスク手洗い三密回避P胃◆ZUown.bW7c (アウアウウー Sa05-o6XP) 2022/01/20(木)12:27 ID:F5lEWmEIa(1) AAS
Sorry for my late reply.
I'm happy to hear about your good course.
There are some reasons for keeping my motivation.
I'm satisfied with my colleagues, the discretionary powers given to me by the directors, and the results of my projects.
Though we have difficulty with the COVID-19 pandemic, I still take delight and satisfaction in my job because I get positive results from what I have planned and worked with my colleagues.
And more, I have no complaint about my wages.
So, I have no reason for changing my job.
My future goal is just simple. It's to keep contributions to the issues about the mental health of the people living in this area until retirement. It's my delight.
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