About 4chan (48レス)
1: 2019/11/14(Thu)17:35 AAS
Let's talk about 4chan.
4chan is an American bulletin board that attracts people from all over the world.
Which board is interesting?
Which thread is interesting?
How is it different from 5ch?
Is there anything that 5ch should learn from 4chan?
2: 2019/11/14(Thu)17:35 AAS
let's go
3(1): 2019/11/18(Mon)17:40 AAS
I've been using 4chan since 2012. I regret nothing, because 4chan gave me a reason to keep living. 4chan makes me happy. My favorite board is /x/. It's full of crazy people.
4: 2019/11/19(Tue)12:01 AAS
I have been using 4ch for about 2 years
I am mainly at 4ch / int /
There are many trolling peole, but sometimes i find interesting threads.there
The other day I went to / x / for the first time and it was very interesting.
I will post a thread there over time.
5: 2019/11/22(Fri)11:41 AAS
As I always think, the 4ch colored people almost seem to bend before the hierarchy.made by whites
Everyone of them wanted to be white and the black people kept whites at a distance
I think people should have pride in whatever their skin color is.
I have seen only one Peruvian man who was against the hierarchy.
But his resistance against the whites seemed to be just a sign of his inferiority complex.
Because he only took out his hate on.whites
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