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109: 警備員[Lv.1][新芽] 2024/10/12(土)01:23 ID:Lbms/ENt(1) AAS
excuse me. I have a question I wish you to teach me about.

At the age of twenty he found himself alone in the world with his future dependent on his own efforts.

As for this sentence,
can you have two different interpretations?
one is that his parents have died when he was twenty, and then he have no means and no moneys
to make his life decent but only his hard working.

two is that he awoke his consciousness of his attitude to his life when he became twenty and
he noticed that he was alone in making his life great as he cannot depend on people around him including his parents who were still alive, because their lives were far from his.

and, which is more natural one
when you interpret
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