キャンペーン・セール情報交換17【東京限定】 (472レス)

229: 11/27(水)08:48 ID:v+QLPOjh(1) AAS
Working upon traditionally established concepts, most of which come from the field of industrial economics such as installed or excess capacity, is a sensitive issue when pursued from a different viewpoint.
In particular, focussing on industries such as wind power, where the non-used capacity of production surpasses the lack of market demand, is even more exciting.
This complexity therefore deserves brief clarification. Commonly, installed capacity is defined as the set of resources that are available to firms producing goods or services.
This could be part of a strategy to mitigate the effects of demand uncertainty or it could even be a market competition strategy.

For wind power players, none of these strategies is, in fact, attractive. Lack of demand, or demand uncertainty, are far from being severe problems to these players.
Indeed, they have priority in the dispatch of the electricity to the grid.
Therefore, it is worthwhile noting that the electricity generated from renewables has priority access to the grid as a result of EU Directive [1],
and consequently market demand is not a constraint in using installed capacity.
This framework, jointly with the guaranteed prices over long-term contracts, makes the second strategy pointless.
This means that unused wind power installed capacity is a consequence of the absence of wind, which is the main production input, rather than lack of electricity demand or competition behaviour strategy.
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