[過去ログ] キャンペーン・セール情報交換299【ワッチョイ無し】 (1002レス)
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431: 2024/11/27(水)02:00 ID:WHXxAnmo(1) AAS
r, Nehru’s
attitude and policy towards Japan during the different periods of his life and political career in the
context of his Asianism and also Indo-Japan relations have been examined. As implications of this
study, the author observed that, Nehru from 1905 since the victory of Japan over Russia until 1920s was
admirer of Japan, an island Asian nation, which defeated a European military power. Japan’s war with
another Asian nation China was disappointment for Nehru and his sympathy was with China. For
Nehru, Japan’s image changed from a model nation in Asia to aggressor and breaker of peace and
solidarity in Asia. During WWII Nehru chose an anti-Japanese policy and a hard line towards Japan. He
was against Japan’s control of Asia. Finally, after WWII due to his Asianism and Asian concerns Nehru
changed his policy towards new and non-militaristic Japan and laid a foundation of positive and cordial
postwar relations between both countries India and JapUbaidulloev, Jawaharlal Nehru’s Asianism and Japan
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