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73: 2018/12/31()23:45 ID:mvSXsbNx(1) AAS
Bruce lee never competed, therefor he never proved anything, he was just a movie star with no credentials, end of story.
Sorry fanboy but little Bruce was an action movie star. He never beat anybody, how can you be the best if you've never fought?
The bruce lee movies and the IP man movies are pure fantasy. I guess Silvester Stalone is the greatest boxer of all time
because he played Rocky huh?????? Don't be stupid please. I guess Steven Segal is a total badass even though
he never fights in real life right? He's a street fighter and hes just so dangerous eh??? wooooaaah watch out.
I don't fucking think so. If you don't fight, you can fuck off, bruce lee never won any competition and never beat anybody,
he was a movie star you fucking idiot. His whole career was publicity and fiction, he never won anything in his life
except motion picture awards for his MOVIES which depict PURE FANTASY.
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