[過去ログ] ディープインパクト 〜The 416th impact 〜 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1001レス)

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572: (アウアウ Sa9f-dr7e) 2016/07/09(土)12:10 ID:p+y3i+Gsa(10/17) AAS

◆Filly Sire Index, FSI◆ in Japanese Horse Racing. 
・A win by a Japanese male horse or gelding in a Group 1 horse race scores minus 1 point,
 and one by a Japanese female horse scores plus 1 point, since 1984.
・Then the average of the sum of all Group 1 horse race winners' points by each sire is defined as FSI. 
・All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are included.
・Mann-Whitney's U tests are performed for statistical significance between control (SS) and each sire.
 (a p-value considered statistically significant is less than 0.05) 

◆FSI ranking of each sire 〜 All Japanese sires of more than 5 winners of Group 1 horse races are listed as below.
・1.Deep Impact................+0.33, p=0.0485           
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