[過去ログ] 7/9(日) 第53回七夕賞(サマー2000シリーズ)(GV) part1 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)

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724: 2017/07/06(木)02:55 ID:8c3flUOq0(4/4) AAS
Hello everybody!!!

Let's enjoy talking about me!!

I'm a natural-born good guy. Didn't you know that?

I've long expected that the guys like 37816-37820s will appear.

Let's talk about me! Let's talk about my way of talking.

Would you please teach me what is wrong with my way of talking?

Let's talk about the grammar, composition

Let's talk about not Kitasan, but Trum-poop♪ here.

It's easy to fish small fries like “Ahosugiru”- らっしゅ。, ラストクロップ and so on.

Are you happy to be obsessed with me ?

Have a good night! Cheers!
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