[過去ログ] 7/9(日) 第22回プロキオンステークス(G?) part1 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)
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329: 2017/07/06(木)03:23 ID:8c3flUOq0(1/2) AAS
Are you happy? Calm down! Take enough calcium. ho,ho,ho

You should learn a good communication skill.
If you can't, you are just a fool. Mr. Ultimate Mean Fellow.
330: 2017/07/06(木)03:24 ID:8c3flUOq0(2/2) AAS
I hear the purpose of his contribution is to make America great again.
He is very very clever, intelligent, brave and generous.
He never gives in to the cyber-bullying from racists and xenophobia
Don't talk to Trum-poop♪
Don't talk about Trum-poop♪
Don't believe FAKE NEWS!

KITASAN should lose some weight next time.
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