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62: 2018/06/06(水)03:01 ID:7fqb7aOM(16/16) AAS
Museum on comfort women opens in Taipei
The Straits Times | Dec 13, 2016
The first museum in Taiwan dedicated to comfort women opened in Taipei last weekend after a decade of controversy. The Ama Museum is dedicated
to preserving the stories of former Taiwanese sex slaves of the Japanese Imperial Army and making sure that chapter in history is not forgotten. The
driving force behind the project is the Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation, Central News Agency reported. The museum was so named because
surviving comfort women are now in their 90s and are affectionately called "Ama", or "granny". It features a permanent exhibition of photos,
documents and videos related to Taiwanese comfort women, the report said. It will also be used as a venue for workshops and seminars on topics
such as human rights, according to the foundation. Ms Chen Lien-hua (at left) from Taiwan, who was a comfort woman, was among those who
attended the opening on Dec 10, which was World Human Rights Day. Also present were advocates from Japan, South Korea and the United States.
Commemorating Taiwan's 'Comfort Women'
BBC | Dec 2016
As President-elect Donald Trump provokes ‘serious concern' from China over his policy towards Taiwan, we hear about a new museum in Taiwan's
capital Taipei, commemorating the so called ‘comfort women'. Two thousand Taiwanese women, and many more from elsewhere in the region were
forced to work in Japanese military brothels during World War II. While other countries have commemorated them already, this is Taiwan's first
museum to their experience. Cindy Sui has visited the museum and explains its significance.
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