[過去ログ] 総合旅行業務取扱管理者試験 (1001レス)

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803: 2011/10/14(金)23:34 AAS
Professional art historians are available to provide guided Museum tours for groups of up
to twenty-five people. Highlights tours, tours of special exhibitions, and tours in foreign
languages may be scheduled for one hour. Tours lasting more than one hour in duration
can be arranged for an additional fee.
Reservations must be made by phone at least two weeks prior to the visits. Only groups of
ten or more people are eligible for the group rates. A 50% deposit is required upon
making the reservation by credit card. The balance must be settled upon arrival and in
advance of services rendered. @It may be paid by cash or credit card.
Museum Group Services must be notified in writing of A as well as decreases in
the number of guided participants no less than two weeks prior to an appointment in
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