[過去ログ] ★★★伝説の植物生理学者、増田芳雄★★★ (972レス)
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935: 2014/01/16(木)21:28 AAS
173 :喜ぶ猫 ◆MuKUnGPXAY :2012/03/04(日) 10:54:23.71
I think I understand what you are intending. So, for the purpose to
make this thread to be a hell-like place, I will do my best to burn
this thread down.
I thank you so much for your kind advice.
174 :喜ぶ猫 ◆MuKUnGPXAY :2012/03/04(日) 11:55:26.81
Well, I seriously propose to any authorities who may concern to try
to change the basic system of accepting the master's thesis in such
a way that:
1. All the master's and the doctoral thesis should be written in English.
2. Then all those files should be opened to the worldwide big public.
Then, any thesis is all the time under the criticisms from all over the
world, so that the departments in question are going to hesitate
giving the degree to the graduate students with low quality.
The master's and the doctoral thesis should be regarded as the Guarantee
of the Quality which certify the Capability of Doing Research rather
than a king of driving license that everybody gets without any difficulties.
The current system of the graduate study never pays attentions to
the quality control of the research which has an obvious conclusion
that the Japanese doctoral degree looses the international credits.
あと 37 レスあります
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