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266: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)00:03 ID:922CSNx3(1/17) AAS
Kijitora wtent to America and destoroied the country terribly.
American people all died most cruely.
267: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)00:06 ID:922CSNx3(2/17) AAS
"Kuroneko, your novel is brilliant, but has no reader."
"I write for a reader of the future.
Good writeing may reach someone someday, as Asada said."
333: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)19:24 ID:922CSNx3(3/17) AAS
日銀黒田総裁「日銀保有株、現時点から17%下げたら含み損地獄が始まる」 [533895477]
334: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)19:28 ID:922CSNx3(4/17) AAS
Kuroneko went to the big city and returned.
335: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)19:33 ID:922CSNx3(5/17) AAS
Kuroneko is tired.
338: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)20:33 ID:922CSNx3(6/17) AAS
英語参考書マニアックス? @eisan_maniacs ・ 2017年2月9日

340: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)21:31 ID:922CSNx3(7/17) AAS
ツブヤキタイガー? @TWITTING_TIGER ・ 9時間9時間前

.oO(軍事と科学の話を会社の若い衆としてて、ふと「731とか石井部隊って知ってるでしょ?」って聞いたら、なんと何にも知らなかった?愕然、唖然。理系だから? いや文理関係なく、教養ってものの荒廃なんでしょうか…)
341: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)21:32 ID:922CSNx3(8/17) AAS
("Do you know the 731 section?"
342: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)21:33 ID:922CSNx3(9/17) AAS
柞刈湯葉(いすかりゆば)? @yubais ・ 24時間24時間前

343: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)21:34 ID:922CSNx3(10/17) AAS
Kuroneko is not moderate and he think that human being must become extinct.
344: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)21:36 ID:922CSNx3(11/17) AAS
Because Kuroeko likes justice, he
345: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)22:11 ID:922CSNx3(12/17) AAS
The Little Price and Kijitora

Kujitora met the little prince.
"Kijitora, you brun out America."
"I am a super cat."
348: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)22:29 ID:922CSNx3(13/17) AAS
349: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)22:33 ID:922CSNx3(14/17) AAS
Tomorrow, Kuroneko will read 2 Chronicle.
353: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)23:18 ID:922CSNx3(15/17) AAS
Kijitora met Sherlock Holmes.
"Hello, Holmes. Why do you live in 21st century?"
"Because my popurality continues until now."
"Poirot died. He has popurality now"
"His novel is complex than my short stories."
"Would you come to the Kill Star?
Luhmann wants to see you, Holmes"
354: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)23:26 ID:922CSNx3(16/17) AAS
Holmes went to the Killstar riding the Dinosaur Tank with Kijitora.
"Nice to mee to you, Holmes," said Luhmann.
"Nice to meet you, Luhmann."
355: (奈良県) 2019/03/05(火)23:28 ID:922CSNx3(17/17) AAS
"Kuroneko, I'm glad that Kijitora's adventure continues.
But to go to the Kill Star is not interesting."
"I think so, too. I don't contibnue this plot."
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