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484: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)08:20 ID:LLux5oOR(1/15) AAS
【悲報】NHKが過去最大の偏向報道。野党演説を完全に作り変え変人扱いして報道。これは国民に対する犯罪 [965922794]
485: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)08:30 ID:LLux5oOR(2/15) AAS
there are only evil spirits in 2 channerl.

954 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイWW b7e8-mA+S) 2019/03/07(木) 08:19:48.68 ID:ywv/RMHX0
487: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)08:57 ID:LLux5oOR(3/15) AAS

type numbers (like Types 1-5)
488: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)08:57 ID:LLux5oOR(4/15) AAS
The predicates of sentences can be structured into five different ways. Some books assign them
type numbers (like Types 1-5), but these are not used universally. You need to memorise the
names, not type numbers.
489: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)10:06 ID:LLux5oOR(5/15) AAS
Forms of the English Predicate

Learning about the six forms of the predicate in English grammar is important for understanding the syntax, or word order, of the English language.

521: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)17:40 ID:LLux5oOR(6/15) AAS
Nausicaa asked.
"Kuroneko, what is the best book of Heisei?"
"Nishi Kyouji's Pole Pole."
"What is the secoun?"
"Nishi's Here Is the Fundament."
"Many books are written in Heisei. Among them Nishi's two books are brilliant."
522: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)17:49 ID:LLux5oOR(7/15) AAS
I cannnot understand the mean of choosing the best book of "Heisei",
but I think that the best book during recent 30 years is Nishi Kyouji's Pole Pole.
It present the readable version of The Classroom of Englkish Interoretation.
Nishi's Here is the Fundament is good, too.
It is the basic of school grammar.
523: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)17:52 ID:LLux5oOR(8/15) AAS
Nausicaa asked.
"Kuroneko, what is the best book of Heisei?"
"Nishi Kyouji's Pole Pole."
"What is the secoud?"
"Nishi's Here Is the Fundament."

I cannnot understand the mean of choosing the best book of "Heisei",
but I think that the best book during recent 30 years is Nishi Kyouji's "Pole Pole".
It presents the readable version of The Classroom of English Interpretation.
Nishi's "Here is the Fundament" is good, too.
It is the basic of school grammar.
528: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)21:22 ID:LLux5oOR(9/15) AAS
(ヽ´ん`)「履歴書の趣味・特技欄っているの?書くことないんだけど・・・」 [193847579]
529: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)21:23 ID:LLux5oOR(10/15) AAS
Kuroneko had no hobby.
He gets bored with everything.
(1): (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)21:25 ID:LLux5oOR(11/15) AAS
ガイチ? @gaitifuji ・ 1時間1時間前

高浜原発の格納容器内で火災(読売テレビ) - Yahoo!ニュース 外部リンク:headlines.yahoo.co.jp … @YahooNewsTopics
532: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)21:26 ID:LLux5oOR(12/15) AAS
Kuroneko drank one bottle of beer.
533: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)21:32 ID:LLux5oOR(13/15) AAS
Kuroneko is a greatest cat.
But no one knows him.
534: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)21:32 ID:LLux5oOR(14/15) AAS
Kijitora is a great cat, too.
542: (奈良県) 2019/03/07(木)22:30 ID:LLux5oOR(15/15) AAS
The race became extinct.
Only Nausicaa, Nara. Kuroneko and Kijitora suivived.
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