[過去ログ] Linux Mint 29 (1002レス)
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966(1): 本スレが一時的に使えん。今だけ書いたる 2019/05/25(土)22:50 ID:oaIbSZyq(1/7) AAS
~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saiarcot895/chromium-beta
This PPA contains the latest Chromium Beta builds, with hardware video decoding enabled (hidden behind a flag, and support for Widevine (needed for viewing paid videos on Netflix and Youtube) enabled.
== Hardware Video Decoding ==
To enable hardware video decoding, open chrome://flags, search for "Hardware-accelerated video", enable the entry, and restart Chromium.
=== Widevine Support ===
The packages in this PPA have support for Widevine inside Chromium enabled. However, you still need to copy some files from Chrome into Chromium for you to use Netflix (or other websites using Encrypted Media Extensions) in Chromium.
1. Download and install Chrome (or extract the necessary files, if you know how to do that).
2. From the Chrome installation directory (probably /opt/google/chome or something similar), copy libwidevinecdm.so into ~/.config/chromium.
3. Restart Chromium.
あと 36 レスあります
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