[過去ログ] Web翻訳家 志賀慶一氏を語るスレ 32 (1002レス)
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622(3): (ワッチョイ c10e-zUBj) 2021/06/06(日)19:45 ID:R/RZNJta0(17/19) AAS
And now the big question: If machine translation is performed, would the ensuing translation be protected by copyright laws? The obvious answer is no, because no “creative effort” has been applied. No judge in the world will acknowledge that pasting a text in Google Translator or any other translation software is “creative”. It could be perhaps argued that the “creativity” is on the side of the machine translation (MT) software, but in that case it could be also argued that the copyright holder would be the MT software developer, though I doubt that this could be upheld in court.
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