[過去ログ] Fedora 総合スレッド Part 61 (1002レス)
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616: 2023/04/18(火)23:37 ID:x+IBNNfa(1) AAS
Surprise! Fedora Linux 38 is here!

Fedora Linux 38 is coming to you a week early!

Our release schedule has two dates: a main target date (which you
should usually expect) and an "early" target (which is is kind of
like the thing where you set your clock five minutes early so
you're not late). This time around, thanks to the hard work of our
amazing community, we've met our release criteria at the early
target, so we're releasing today!

And that's not all! We have a shiny new website built by our
amazing Websites & Apps team. The "getfedora.org" address you may
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