[過去ログ] 実況 ◆ テレビ朝日 76380 美沙希スクランブル (1002レス)
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(4): 12/17(火)11:15 ID:E5gwS++/d(7/15) AAS
I believe that advantages of Japan education system for two reasons,
First, Japan education system have bring oriented lecture to a gifted students developed
with acknowledge of academic subjects,
Second, Japan education system acts nurturing with corporate spirits and mind,
such as dust duties, athletic together and the provision of school lunch….

What do you think about this topics? I would be grateful if you would have opinions me that?
347: 12/17(火)11:17 ID:lmixCQx40(7/13) AAS
381: 12/17(火)11:18 ID:E5gwS++/d(9/15) AAS
(1): 12/17(火)11:25 ID:E5gwS++/d(10/15) AAS
I believe that disadvantage of Japan educational system for two reasons,
First, Japan education system has rote a memorizarion education undermine gifted students with
developing of constructive critical thinking, creative and thinking ability, also
problems of self-solving ability,
Second, Japan education system has highly competition education and exam centric with little percent on
Moral and social rules…

What do you think this topics? I would be grateful if you would have tell me candid on your opinion?

650: 12/17(火)11:26 ID:E5gwS++/d(11/15) AAS
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