[過去ログ] なぞなぞ「女の子が6階からエレベーターに乗りました」彡(゚)(゚)「…」 (774レス)
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748(1): 2020/10/15(木)18:25 ID:MM45kTHhp(1) AAS
A premise of the show is that each question has one correct answer listed. Therefore the two 25% answers are not viable answers. With there being only two viable answers, you have a 50% chance of being correct if you guess between them.
If you choose any answer, not just viable ones, then there are an infinite number of choices and the correct answer would be zero.
It says you choose an answer at random, though, not choose from viable answers.
I think this is just a way for the studio execs to keep their million dollars.
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