[過去ログ] 【4565】そーせいG 437 【第3四半期決算発表2月14日予定】 (812レス)
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256: (ワッチョイ 3d8e-sMIR) 2018/02/10(土)07:01 ID:+D55+Ozv0(3/7) AAS
※SAGE Journals: "Agonists and Antagonists of Protease-Activated Receptor 2 Discovered within a DNA-Encoded Chemical Library Using Mutational Stabilization of the Target." (1/9up)
※ClinicalTrials: FDG-PET Study of AGN-242071 Added to Standard-of-Care (Donepezil ± Memantine): Changed, Start: 2017/11/28→"2018/2/20", Changed, Completion Date: 2018/6/4→"2018/11/4". (1/12update)
※ClinicalTrials: Assess Bronchodilator Effect QVM149 Dosed Either in the Morning or Evening Compared: "Add Locations: Germany", "Change, Study Completion: 2018/4/26" (1/15update)
※SOSEI (English) Presentation Material: (J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: 1/8): Adenosine A2A antagonist program for cancer treatment: Exciting I/O treatment approach (Phase 1b: AstraZeneca). (1/16up)
※ClinicalTrials NCT02740985: AZD4635, Phase 1, "Description, Interventions" Changed. "Locations Add: New York [Not yet recruiting], North Carolina [Recruiting]". (1/17update)
※SOSEI:執行役異動(2018年2月28日):辞任:フィオナ・マーシャル執行役副社長兼CSO、新任:ティム・タスカー執行役副社長兼CMO (旧役職:Heptares社最高医事責任者)。(1/19)
※MSD: MSD Research Laboratories has appointed Dr Fiona Marshall to lead our future discovery research facility in London, which will focus on early bioscience discovery and entrepreneurial innovation. (1/22)
※Novartis Q4 & FY 2017 Results: Ultibro(China; Approved in December 2017): Q4 (120million, +26%cc), 2017FY (411million, +12%cc), Seebri: Q4 (42million, +4%cc), 2017FY (151million, +3%cc). (1/24)
※Novartis: Annual Report 2017: A new version of the Breezhaler device is being developed. The first clinical study(12/20up) with this inhaler is due to begin this year in COPD. (1/24)
※SOSEI:「シーブリおよびウルティブロ」の2017年第4四半期(10月〜12月)の業績について。サノビオン社(10月にSeebri Neohaler販売開始)。「ウルティブロ」中国(12月に製造販売承認を取得)。(1/24)
※AstraZeneca Full-Year and Q4: AZD4635: "Data Anticipated: 2018". Phase 1b will consist of an additional expansion phase in NSCLC at the combination MTD or maximum feasible dose. (2/2)
※SLAS2018: Astrazeneca Presents Discovery of Novel Ligands for the PAR2 Receptor Discovered in Collaboration with Heptares and xchem. Great Science Delivered in a Great Collaboration. (2/6)
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