[過去ログ] 【4565】そーせいG 437 【第3四半期決算発表2月14日予定】 (812レス)

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516: (ワッチョイ b78e-K9Vl) 2018/02/15(木)06:31 ID:kA4/XMY20(1/13) AAS
Heptares Approach Extends well Beyond our Growing Pipeline. UK be Relocating to the Cambridge Area in "July 2018."
※Kymab Pipeline: KY1051: Discovery Research→"Pre-Clinical Development", KY1062 (New, Add): "Discovery Research" (1/6update)
※SOSEI (English) Presentation Material: (J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: 1/8): 外部リンク[aspx]:v4.eir-parts.net (1/16up)
※Business Weekly Cambridge: "Rapidly Advance Drug Discovery. Heptares is set to relocate to a new 35,000 sq ft facility at Granta Park, Cambridge in-mid 2018 by which time local headcount should be up to 130." (1/16)
※Novartis: Annual Report 2017: A new version of the Breezhaler device is being developed. The first clinical study(12/20up) with this inhaler is due to begin this year in COPD. (1/24)
※SOSEI:「シーブリおよびウルティブロ」の2017年第4四半期(10月〜12月)の業績について。サノビオン社(10月にSeebri Neohaler販売開始)。「ウルティブロ」中国(12月に製造販売承認を取得)。(1/24)
※AstraZeneca Full-Year and Q4: AZD4635: "Data Anticipated: 2018". Phase 1b will consist of an additional expansion phase in NSCLC at the combination MTD or maximum feasible dose. (2/2)
※あすか製薬 第3四半期決算:ノルレボ売上高:当期第3四半期9.3億円(前期第3四半期8.7億円)、対前年同四半期増減率6.5%、当期年間見込12.5億円(前期年間実績11.4億円) (2/5)
※Heptares:We are now seeking a Post-Doctoral Research Scientist to join our Chemistry Team. We are now recruiting for a Medicinal / Synthetic Chemist (Scientist). "2018/2/28 Closing". (2/5)
※SLAS2018: Astrazeneca Presents Discovery of Novel Ligands for the PAR2 Receptor Discovered in Collaboration with Heptares and xchem. Great Science Delivered in a Great Collaboration. (2/6)
※米国特許(MiNA):Methods of Inducing Insulin Production. (2/6公開)
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