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97: 2018/12/08(土)13:56 ID:SOujcUK70(1/7) AAS
110: 2018/12/08(土)13:59 ID:SOujcUK70(2/7) AAS
151: 2018/12/08(土)14:09 ID:SOujcUK70(3/7) AAS
名古屋地裁】「ハエが入っていた」と嘘のクレーム 謝罪に訪れた女性店長に乱暴 強制性交公判、44歳の男に懲役6年求刑/常滑
158: 2018/12/08(土)14:12 ID:SOujcUK70(4/7) AAS
166: 2018/12/08(土)14:13 ID:SOujcUK70(5/7) AAS
アメリカ】米人気黒人俳優のケビン・ハートさんが差別発言 来年のアカデミー賞の司会降板「懸念は息子がゲイに育つ事」[12/07]
198: 2018/12/08(土)14:21 ID:SOujcUK70(6/7) AAS
Total Media Blackout! Paris Is Far Worse Than They Will Tell You!
(3): 2018/12/08(土)14:28 ID:SOujcUK70(7/7) AAS
長文で恐縮ですが、内容がとても気になるのでどなたか和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m!

Hey thank you for the follow, you're awesome! I hope things are going well with you there and if not, try believing something good going to happen and
perhaps that'll lift you up a little if you do it right.

You can be in one side of the world and a couple of years later find yourself in another side of it. Trust me, this life has a strange way of working things out, even after all the times you thought it never would.
Sometimes it's just matter of how much we want something and how far we're willing to go to make it happen.

But even then, understand that some things may not be for us no matter how hard we went for it. At times like that I hope you continue making the best of what's left of you and be strong if it's not enough. The world may seem unfriendly but in
truth it's also filled with good people and places, you just need to look hard enough.

Out of two of us I'm sure you're the awesome one, so shall our path cross one day, I'll be lucky to meet you. Until then, this account is all I have to dedicate to you and hope you'll always love them.
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