[過去ログ] 【EUR/JPY】ユーロ円専用スレ6098【春のサマータイム】 (1002レス)
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538: (ワッチョイ 6fe1-jz1E) 2019/03/16(土)14:49 ID:56SweAyH0(4/12) AAS
Senior DUP figures have held “constructive” talks with cabinet ministers over backing Theresa May’s Brexit deal, paving the way for Arlene Foster to join negotiations in London this weekend
Senior DUP figures said that they held constructive Brexit talks with ministers yesterday, raising the prospect that they could back Mrs May’s deal in a crunch vote next week.
Arlene Foster, the DUP leader, is in Washington for the build-up to St Patrick’s Day but is due back in Britain today and could join further talks.
Negotiations between her party and Conservative ministers have intensified as Mrs May prepares to ask MPs to support her Brexit agreement with Brussels for a third time after two crushing defeats in the Commons.
The DUP is seeking assurances over the Irish backstop, the insurance policy designed to prevent a hard border in Ireland. Critics claim that it could leave the UK trapped in a
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