[過去ログ] 【ZAR】南アフリカランドPart908 (1002レス)
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255: 2019/09/07(土)18:34 ID:lXWRl7tU0(7/7) AAS
キンぺー メルケルきたあああああああああああああああああああああああああ
Xi meets German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Source: Xinhua| 2019-09-07
Merkel's visit to China has reached many economic and trade cooperation results, which proves China matches its words with deeds to expand opening-up, Xi said.
BEIJING, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping met with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel here on Friday.
The current era is full of challenges and increasing risks, Xi said, adding that unilateralism and protectionism pose a serious threat to world peace and stability, and no country can be immune from it.
As two responsible major countries, China and Germany need to strengthen strategic communication, coordination and cooperation to address the common challenges facing mankind more than ever.
"This is becoming increasingly important not only for China and Germany but also for the world," said Xi.
Xi said the two sides must adhere to mutual respect, dialogue and consultation, respect each other's development path, take care of their core interests, and be strategic partners for equal dialogue, mutually beneficial cooperation and mutual learning.
Xi stressed that it is necessary to make the pie of China-Germany cooperation bigger.
Xi said Merkel's visit to China has reached many economic and trade cooperation results, which proves China matches its words with deeds to expand opening-up.
He added that the Chinese market is large enough and will grow larger as China develops, which will bring more new opportunities to Germany and the rest of the world.
"Auto industrial cooperation is a good example of mutual benefit between the two countries," he said.
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