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441: 2019/09/29(日)21:59 ID:l4gGVfBz0NIKU(2/5) AAS
Germany Offended By Ukrainian President's Remarks on Angela Merkel in Call to Donald Trump - Report
14:56 29.09.2019
As US President Donald Trump is fighting off accusations of abusing power for asking his Ukrainian counterpart to probe former Vice President and 2020 Democratic presidential frontrunner,
Joe Biden, and his son Hunter, Volodymyr Zelensky is facing consequences of his own.
The phone call between US President Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart, that would have been classified,
were it not for the Trump impeachment scandal; has displeased German officials who think that Volodymyr Zelensky depreciated Germany's efforts to stabilise the situation in eastern Ukraine, the Spiegel reports.
The German outlet points out that his readiness to agree with Trump in saying Chancellor Angela Merkel "doesn't do anything" about Ukraine's tensions with Russia, has offended the German government.
It cites the leader of the Social Democrats (SPD), Rolf Muetzenich, as arguing that it was Angela Merkel and Frank-Walter Steinmeier,
the then foreign minister that did their best not to allow the region to turn into a flashpoint of military conflict. He also noted that during the whole conversation,
Trump sticks to his credo that it is better to fuel grudges than work through mutual agreement and decisions among partners
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