[過去ログ] ドローン撃墜は「米国へのメッセージ」=イラン革命防衛隊 (16レス)
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13: 2019/06/20(木)21:47 ID:ZWkpLOJH(1/2) AAS
So my first question to both of you is, do you accept the Trump administration insistance
that it was Iran that was behind these attacks?

I think more than likely, yes, although we have to see the final proof, and
administration will do well to provide the irrefutable proof.
But I think, more than likely, Iran did it.
It happened in a way that provides them with plausible deniability.
And now there actually is a interesting situation, where the debate is about whether they did it,
rather than about what were the ramification and what signal they were trying to send.

Do you believe the administration is correct in saying it was Iran?

Yes, I don’t think there is any plausible candidate bisides Iran.
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